
to the official WAMEDA website!

Upcoming WAMEDA Events

2015 Has Been an Exciting Year!

Coming Up:
Annual Members’ Meeting in December, date and time TBD.

WAMEDA needs YOUR energy and expertise! Come run for the Board of Directors and/or volunteer to run a committee.

Click here for details on how YOU can help!

Pictured: Jamil Bient at the 2014 WAMEDA Annual Members’ Showcase. Photo courtesy of Nevin Boll.

Photos of WAMEDA Events 2015

September 2015 — WAMEDA Hafla

Place: Sorrento Grill in Herndon, VA

What a wonderful show! Thanks go to our lovely dancers: Nimeera Nazmine, Amustela, Nadirah Nasreen, Nisaa Elon, Ayperi, Bahiya, and Shagoura. Thank you also to our emcee, Gerson Kuhr (The Fitness Pharaoh).
For more photos of the Hafla, please click here!

Nisaa Elon

August 2015 — WAMEDA Swap Meet

We had a successful Swap Meet with a great selection! Click here for photos.

June 2015 — WAMEDA Annual Members’ Showcase

Nimeera goes for a spin!
The sublime Porsha!
Amustela perfroms a classical danse orientale.

May 2015: Sip’n’Shimmy

Veda Sereem relaxes with a glass of wine.
Philomeana strikes a pose with her Isis wings.

May 3: Sip’n’Shimmy — Click here to see performance photos!
Feb. 22: Winter Workshop — What fun we had with our wonderful workshop instructors: Amustela, Latifa, Nimeera and Yasmin Henkesh.


Join Us or Renew Your Annual Membership… for just $30, a bargain!

Membership in WAMEDA comes with many benefits, including:

You can GET LISTED as a TEACHER or list your DANCE TROUPE in the annual printed WAMEDA Membership Directory and in this website’s “Teachers & Troupes” section.
Please click here.

We look forward to welcoming you at our next meeting!
Pictured: Rashid Moudala truly expresses the joy of the dance!
Photo courtesy of Nevin Boll.